We believe that no one in the world should go to bed hungry, and we should strive to solve the hunger problem locally and permanently. In emergency situations, we must step in and provide humanitarian aid, as done through groups such as the United Nations, Catholic Relief Services, Feed the Children, and UNICEF.
In the developed world, we believe that the problem of hunger and the problem of food waste can be solved together, as the solution is often close to the problem. We feel that local shelters, food pantries and groups such as Second Harvest are solving the problem by working with churches, restaurants and grocers to feed the hungry. In addition, school meal programs fill this need.
“Globally, one-third of the world’s food is wasted.” [National Geographic]
In the developing world, we believe that the solution to the problem lies in the implementation of localized, sustainable solutions. Working with local people to create sources of clean water, implement sustainable farming practices, and provide a bit of renewable energy shows great promise. The number of governments, NGOs, and businesses currently working on this is encouraging. In addition, many smaller organizations are making great strides.
“Spills, spoilage, table scraps, and other losses from the typical American family of four add up to 1,160 pounds of uneaten food annually.” [National Geographic]
How we buy, preserve and share food is a topic all its own, with unique problems and solutions. How we do this also has a major impact on energy and water use, as well as the production of greenhouse gasses. A few examples of how we can help ourselves, others and the environment are:
Eat more fruits and vegetables (and less meat).
- Fast one day per month and donate the money to a charity.
- Avoid food waste via proper buying, storage, preparation, and leftover use.
- Support the local food bank.
- Grow some food at your home, school or church.
- Buy more locally grown food.
- Volunteer for or donate to organizations that feed the hungry.
We support Amigos for Christ, Atlanta Community Food Bank, and Catholic Relief Services.